• Welcome to Trust & Shine Coaching.

You are inherently beautiful and powerful.
Thank you for allowing me to assist you in finding and reconnecting with your Divine Power.

What can you expect from our Coaching Sessions?

What can you expect from our Coaching Sessions?

  1. Fast results – depending on your level of commitment, dedication and allowance.
  2. We will look into your dreams and what is holding you back from fully living them.
  3. We will look into your fears and empower you to transform them into trust that is moving you towards your dreams.
  4. We will strengthen your connection to source so that you can create any relationship of your dreams.
  5. For you to know that you always have a choice.

I love supporting highly sensitive Truth-Seekers, Healers, and Empaths on your journey to Trust, Alignment and Self-Empowerment. You already know that you came here with a higher purpose, and you have a basic understanding of your spiritual nature. It will be my honour to support you in transforming what’s holding you back into light and trust, so that you can fully and confidently stand in your divine power, live your purpose with joy and happiness, and freely express who you truly are, while living in peace with worldly circumstances.

About Me

A Life Lived in Search of Divine Truth.

Doris Kessler

Law of Attraction &
Life Coach
Spiritual Counselor
Intuitive Guide

Beloved Reader, whether you are just visiting this page, or you intend to start Coaching, may divine blessings be bestowed upon you today and always. It is an honor to welcome you to my space.


Having pondered about this beautiful poem for many years, I wanted to know and live in a way of feeling that I am the entire ocean in a drop. But what exactly does it mean?

Allow me to introduce myself a bit more to you. My first big love affair was with Mother Nature, and one of my earliest questions about life when I was a teenager, walking a neighbor’s dog, was “How can I reach this state of constant happiness that Daddy (that was the name of the dog) is showing me every time I see him?” Growing up in former East Germany with decent parents and two sisters, I left this country at the age of 19, starting a new chapter of life in Barcelona, Spain, after just finishing my Degree in Business Administration. After 3 beautiful years in Spain, where I was blessed to learn the Spanish language and culture, I moved on to France. Living in the French Alsatian culture for 6 years, I moved on to Switzerland, then in 2004 to Hong Kong, and after 5 intense years in Asia onto San Francisco, where I started studying Psychology, Sociology, Religion, Ethnicity, and most of all Spirituality.  After 5 beautiful years in California, where I truly felt home, life brought me back to Europe, where I got into the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, which after 14 months certified me as a Law of Attraction Life Coach. By then I had already left the corporate world, and was working as a Spiritual Counselor and Life Coach, commuting between Europe, Asia and the USA. Having lived both in the far East and the far West, I am blessed to know the best both worlds have to offer and am able to combine it to help my clients claiming back our inherent power, or re-connecting to who we truly are. I learned how to meditate, got in touch with ancient philosophies and energy exercises, and also know about the most recent findings about the human psyche and the meaning of life. Even though I have gotten much closer to that constant state of happiness as well as how to be the entire ocean, I am still integrating and growing myself, always eager to learn… and here is what I came to believe:

We are all inherently beautiful. We are born perfect and divine. The way we perceive our environment, parents, teachers, peers, siblings, caregivers and the world around us, where unconditional and divine love is not a prevailing feeling, make us create certain thoughts that later become beliefs and defense patterns. These beliefs and patterns help us cope with disharmony in our childhood, yet often stand in our way once we are grown and living our own lives. A perfect example for this is the Story of the Golden Buddha.

A group of monks settled in a jungle area, where they found a huge clay Buddha covered underneath tropical trees. They got threatened and decided to take the Buddha with them as they left this place. The clay was starting to chip off and had cracks all over. One night, the guardian monk saw beautiful golden light reflecting back from the Buddha, when he shone his torch upon the statue. He called the other monks, and together they started to chip off the remaining clay, until a beautiful Golden Buddha was revealed.

This is who we truly are, divine unconditional Love and Light, our ‘clay’ being subconscious defense mechanisms that are creating blockages in our energy fields… Do they still serve us today or do they stand in our way? I invite you to contact me for your first complementary 30-min-session to start your journey of self-empowerment. Once we align with the Golden Buddha within, our inherent Light and the Love that we truly are, everything else will fall into place. So forget the How, and enjoy the Wow, starting Now! It will be my honor to guide and assist you on this journey.


Much Love, Doris Kessler

Latest News!

My little space to talk about my love for life and coaching.



What clients say.

Catherine Ryan, USA

“I have been helped and supported by Doris to view my issues in a totally new way that has opened up to me the possibilities that before I didn’t know how to see. I have been to other coaches and therapists in the past that were helpful but didn’t get down to the real issues. She helped me to see how to love myself and with that knowledge you can accomplish anything. Doris is a gifted life coach, her insight, compassion and wisdom is evident as soon as you meet and talk to her. She has helped me to acquire the tools and inspiration I needed to move through life with a peaceful grace that I am forever grateful.”

Karen Katelaar, Heilpraktikerin/Naturopath, France

“Coaching with Doris is a deep and transforming process. For me it was very important to feel that I could openly share my wounds and shortcomings and experience complete acceptance. By delicate questioning and exquisite listening Doris led me to my inner resources and the underlying patterns. She also offered me very useful tools and meditations that gave me access to my inner realms, my strengths and unique qualities. With every session I could move forward more easily and make the changes in daily life at the pace that suited me. This gave me a very safe and confident feeling. The effects of the coaching are still present now. I feel safe to address whatever blockages show up, because I have more confidence in me. I have been able to transform and transcend a lot of my past, during and after the gentle and accepting coaching with Doris, and get answers, openings and assistance much easier. Doris has been a truly life changing coach with outstanding compassion, flexibility, and openness for me whom I trust and can recommend from the bottom of my heart.”

Kim O’Neill, Empowerment Coach, Healer and Radio Host, USA

“Doris exudes love and support for her clients. She is very spiritually tuned in, as well as knowledgeable about a variety of spiritual and metaphysical concepts. One of my most powerful sessions with Doris was when I knew I needed to reconnect with my Divine Feminine. I had been feeling a bit lost, but with her guidance, I found that connection again. Doris is an excellent, non-judgmental listener, who cares deeply for her clients while providing the space for you to blossom and find true self-acceptance.”

Marta Sikora, Egypt

“I’m so happy and grateful for meeting Doris and having a chance to work with her. It’s my first time to seek coaching ever, and I just trusted that my first coach will be amazing. And it happened!
Doris has a very warm and compelling attitude, she really “feels” the person. I was astonished that during our first meeting she toid me a story (knowing nothing yet about me) that fitted my state of mind 100%. She knew I was keeping myself in a jail, she took me through many processes to let me see that and as well to break through my limiting beliefs.
I am always waiting for our meetings, because I know that whatever the challenge I face, she will help me solve it and leave me a better person.
From the time I met Doris for the first time, I noticed I’m much more aware of my reactions, I started to see difficult situations in a more bright light and I shifted my focus from lack to abundance. It’s a process, not easy in the beginning, but with a guide like Doris – very enjoyable and surprisingly fast!
I could speak about Doris a lot, but I believe that a first contact with her is enough to understand why words wouldn’t be able to describe how she influences tremendously a person’s life.”

Maria Mercedes Diaz, Coach, Argentine

“I had the honour of being coached by Mrs. Doris Kessler. She is a  loving, very spiritual, dedicated Coach. She finds the good in everything and clears the way for you to see it, too. She works deep at a soul level and your results are life changing. If what you are looking for is a deep, spiritual and transformative Coach, I would no doubt look for Doris Kessler. Thank you, Doris, for the amazing coaching job you’ve done with me.”

Ivan Avena, Life Coach, Netherlands

“Doris is such a dear Coach. She really cares about you and has an incredibly loving energy all around her. You will not only see her as a great Coach, but as a great friend as well. She shares lots of healing insights and loves to see you succeed, wherever you are. Doris guides you through wherever you need guidance in. Mark my words, she is a Coach everyone would love to have.”

Helen Auburn, Nutritional Therapist, United Kingdom

“Doris Kessler has been invaluable with helping me with my negative emotions, which are holding me back in all areas of my life. Each session has revealed a negative emotion, which stems from my upbringing. I love the way she approaches life & she’s such a warm & sensitive soul. You can’t help warming up to her. Doris has made a huge impact on the way I now view life & my expectations of it. I would highly recommend Doris to help people manifest the life that each & everyone of us deserves.”

Nikon GormleyHigh Performance Coach, Taekwondo Athlete, Thailand

Doris is an incredible coach. When you talk to Doris, you feel at “home” and you feel like you can truly be yourself. In my conversation with Doris, I felt that she held space for me to go deep, and then deeper into myself to discover what was really holding me back when I felt disconnected, lost and afraid. Her loving and healing presence made me feel safe to make peace with myself and remember that I have the power within my to create what I truly desire. I am no longer afraid of the challenges that come because I know I have Doris in my corner. If you are prepared to truly live life at the next level, Doris is your coach.

Grace Kostamo, Canada

“I have known Doris for at least a year. Doris is one of a kind Life Coach. I’m so grateful for her and that I met her. She has helped me a number of times especially when I was going through loss and grief when my son transitioned to another dimension.

Doris has always hold a safe space for me. A safe space of trust, love and joy with laughter and peace during every session. I feel safe with her as my Life Coach. I truly value her authenticity and the space of trust that she holds. I learned so much about trust and love from her in this wonderful space. And I am growing and learning new things with her guidance.

Thank you Doris! You always has kept me grounded. I will never forget the aha moments in every session. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance with love.”


Franca Barth, Switzerland

“Doris Viktoria hat mir in einer meiner schwersten Zeiten geholfen und dafuer bin ich ihr unendlich dankbar. Sie hat es in kuerzester Zeit geschafft, und ich muss zugeben, dass es mit mir nicht einfach war. Ich hatte den Glauben an ein besseres Leben komplett verloren und war vollkommen blockiert. Es fuehlte sich an, wie wenn ich mich nicht mehr drehen und wenden kann, so eng schienen meine eigenen gesetzten Grenzen bereits.

Doris Viktoria hat mir gezeigt, wie man Schwingungen drehen kann und wie z.B. mein Wohnungsverkauf wieder in Gang kommt. Das Resultat ist einzigartig, und laesst sich deutlich in Zahlen beziffern. Noch waehrend unseres Coachings waren alle Wohnungen entweder vermietet oder verkauft, und das waehrend der Corona-Zeit. Die Bank rief mich an und wollte wissen, wie so ein Wunder moeglich ist. Ja, es grenzte tatsaechlich an ein Wunder, nachdem 2 Jahre lang nichts gelaufen ist.

Doris hat mich durch ihr Coaching nicht nur vor meinem finanziellen Ruin bewahrt, sondern jetzt verdiene ich sogar gut daran.

Ausserdem konnte sie mir Mut machen, mich an die schoenen Seiten meines Lebens erinnern, und zeigte mir Wege auf, wie ich in dieser Schwingung bleiben kann. Sie hat mich aus seiner sehr grossen Depression und Schwermuetigkeit herausgeholt, und ich weiss jetzt, ich darf zuerst wieder zuversichtlich und guter Laune sein, und dann manifestieren sich gewuenschte Dinge in meinem Leben, andersrum funktioniert es nicht.

Doris hat mir ein neues Leben geschenkt, ich kann wieder gluecklich sein, wie ich es seit langem nicht mehr war und das Schoenste daran ist, zu wissen dass mir dieses Glueck nicht mehr genommen werden kann. Das ist ein unbeschreiblich schoenes, wunderbares Gefuehl, das sich nur jeder wuenscht.

Ich habe bei Doris gelernt, zu vertrauen, in das Leben und in mich. Durch alles, was ich bei ihr gelernt habe, fuehle ich mich fuer den Rest des Lebens gestaerkt und zuversichtlich, und ich weiss heute, dass ich jede Situation bewaeltigen koennte. Das ist soviel wert, das ist das beste Gefuehl, das es gibt!

Liebe Doris Viktoria, ich danke dir von geanzem Herzen – du hast mein Leben wieder lebenswert gemacht, dank dir haben sich alle meine Probleme in Luft aufgeloest und damit meine ich wirklich alle. Es ist das groesste Geschenk, und ich bin jeden Tag dafuer dankbar, dass ich dich kennen lernen durfte!”


Joanita Pinto, India

“Doris is a kind, loving, gentle intuitive. In every step of her session I felt seen and held in love and tenderness. Like Mother Earth was taking care of me. She helped me go from a confused space to one of power.  Guiding me to what my inner child had to say, she helped me see and remember that my Playfulness is a gift to celebrate, to inspire. Feeling strong with that wisdom, I actually asked my co-facilitators to include play in our sessions, and it even manifested among the participants.
She never stops reminding me of the wonder of who I am. Her heart is an open heart, and her words come from source in a soothing and encouraging stream. I feel so so grateful for her grace and presence, and for coming into my life. She is so much light.”

Kerstin, France

Doris was like a sunshine in the dark for me. She gave me her hand and guided me with her natural intuition and kindness to the light. She adapted her sessions in deepness and seems to naturally sense/ feel how far you can go. She gave me the feeling that she cares a lot and is focused on your inner live besides she is very professional. We managed to conquer together some important milestones for me which made me feel better and helped me to move forward to my goal and gave me back my confidence.
Thank you Doris !”

Sharon Stobbia, Life Coach & Matrix Practitioner, South Africa

I approached Doris because I was feeling stuck in my business and felt unmotivated. Doris helped me by showing me how to get clarity in uncertainty and to know and trust that I am supported. The result was that I felt more motivated and relaxed and could allow life to unfold without the need to control everything. One thing I liked was her intuitive feel for what I needed. I found the experience motivating and inspirational.

Ellen Matheijsen, Teacher, Certified LOA Life Coach, Netherlands

“I have come to know Doris Kessler as a fabulously intuitive coach. She lets you figure out yourself what is going on, asking exactly the right questions gently leading you to your own truth. For me that meant that I overcame an issue in just two sessions with Doris, an issue that I had been struggling with for over a decade. No surprise that I highly recommend her. Thank you Doris for helping me!”

Hilda Idema, France

“Through my Coaching with Doris I can finally express myself and feel understood. I do not have to explain myself as I have done till now. It is for me such a wonderful journey to discover every time another trait of me. For me the sessions with Doris are just the tipping point to open myself up more and have faith that everything is unfolding in the right order!
The way we started was such a joy; the way Doris introduced herself and how we found out that we share the same interest in some of the very great teachers. I like her way of setting up every session so easily, the way she really listens and then having me and us working on what in that moment is important for me!
The most important point having Doris as my Coach is that I never felt that I had to explain myself or my actions. Her gentle way to keep me thinking, feeling more deeply about what happens or happened, and by asking the right questions, I was and am able to find my own power back! I highly recommend Doris as a Coach, since she is so straight and right on track with what is going on and is able to keep you working until it feels really true for you! The law of attraction feels more true than ever before! Thank you so much, Doris, for all the insights you helped me to discover, and for helping me getting back into my power so easily!”

Rates and Packages

How to get started.

Alignment ⋆ Freedom ⋆ Empowerment

What is your next step once you have decided that you want to change your life? Get in touch with me (best via email) to book your Initial session. Your initial session (max. 60 min) is free of charge. It is here for us to see what it is you want to change right now, so that I can find out if I can help you with your intention. We will also tune in to see if your commitment and your will to change are congruent. The initial session is also important for us to find out if we resonate, if we are a good match as Client and Coach, and if this is the case, I will make you an offer that is designed to your needs. Our Coaching sessions will be as deep as you allow them to be. So if you are ready, and we both feel that by working together, we can bring you to your next level of happiness, freedom, joy and independence living your Life, fasten your seatbelts and let’s begin the journey. I am looking forward to be your Coach, and it will be my honor to assist you in remembering who you truly are, so that you can live the life of your dreams! If you have any questions, you can contact me here.

Sessions in English, German, Spanish and French.


Keep in touch.